воскресенье, 28 февраля 2010 г.

Third eye - 2

Someone asked me, how it works? Explain in an example. A woman asked, why she lives with her husband bad? I closed the eyes and viewed our church interior, icons, tsar' gates. Answer is obvious - you must be crowned.

среда, 17 февраля 2010 г.


Once I wanted to see what is interesting in the Moon. Flew by my astral double. And I have seen, that the extraterrestrial main base is in the north-east side, somewhere in the mountains. Their ship is constantly in selena-stationar orbit above the visible side. Ship is like the typical "flying saucer", whirligig. In the top - square sliding gadget, 1-2 m. with the windows. Downside - 6 black round holes (nozzles?). That is just so.

понедельник, 15 февраля 2010 г.


It may be possible to see the probability lines in the forex charts by the third eye. But! All of that little relevancy bore. Probabilities change every second and often are similar the fundamental analysis results. Intraday charts may change occasionally. Someone can use it as one the other indicators. To think is necessary in all the case. At least, it may work with the help of the Heaven only.

суббота, 13 февраля 2010 г.

Star gates

Long time ago, at the 80-s one my friend Victor Pakhomov, who has the big opportunities to see a future, seen something like the famous Star Gates (cinema). Just so. Hence, at a time people will travel to the stars. It is possible.

Atlantis site

Asked at one time the Atlantis site (from the Heaven). Answer was: 32.8 grades Northen Latitude and 51.68 grades Western Longitude. Guess, it is their capital coordinates. The answer gone as written, it may be understood as 51.68 (decimal fraction) or 51 grades and 68 minutes. I do not know. Somewhere in Atlantic ocean. Nowadays all the depths are available. We will wait the messages from the scientists.

пятница, 12 февраля 2010 г.

Third eye-1

I guess, I have to explain something, so that everybody to understand. 3-d eye is a ferric epithis in a head-brain (atomic level) and a zoom-lens. There was a message, there is a somewhat glass-like substance in the back of forehead corn. In the head-backside - receiver. Information can enter through the chakra "adjna", as from the front, as from the back. It works in the delta-rhythm. Every human has it, but 3-d eye is often closed. When I close my eyes, I see by the 3-d eye. It may work like X-rays (clear-viewing). Someone can see the things at a far distance with the help of own astral double (far-viewing) through the chakra "sahasrara". And it may be possible to get an information from the Heaven.
Despite I'm an orthodoxal christian, can help everybody of any confession. Can make a diagnostics by photo. Send me a photo, permit a name and I'll tell you, have you the negative programs (spoiling, damn, celibacy corolla) or not,  and your health. Healer' job is very complex and different. Somebody may write me and I will reply help , if I can. My contact is lu-vit@ya.ru. And, please, don't disturb me with the requests, like "Find my cat".

Healer -1

Healer is a human, who helps the peoples to get a health and to decide there problems. Naturally, he/she works with the help from the Heaven. Some magic people often guises as the healers, beg do not mix up. Intend to tell some useful things for everybody.
We may help the people, only if a level in there sin's vessel is less than 50%. If more - work with yourself.